• Advocacy in Action

  • Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Advocacy

    The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce undertakes many different kinds of advocacy for our members with the goal of enhancing the healthy economic and social environment in our region. Advocacy is seeking support for something, such as a cause, policy or initiative, and can take the form of seeking support from one of the three levels of government for a policy around an issue impacting business, or seeking support of the business community to adopt established best practices. 

  • Core Organizational Policies

    The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce has six policies core to our organization which inform the advocacy that we perform, and the positions that we take.

  • Core Organizational Policies Core Organizational Policies

    1. Government should not directly compete with the private sector
      • Government services should not duplicate, or be established in lieu of, those available in the local private sector. This creates an imbalanced business environment and adds to the obstacles facing fledgling businesses
    2. Collaboration between government, community and industry is an effective way to increased economic opportunities
      • ​A collaborative partnership between the private and public sectors that builds on the strengths and expertise of both will enhance efficiency and promote  affordable, quality outcomes​
    3. Government should engage local stakeholders in meaningful dialogue and consultation with regards to all matters that affect local business
      • Stakeholder engagement in the areas of taxation, user fees and local spending are of particular importance to local enterprise. As a result, government should make every effort to consult on these matters and explain how proposed policies and expenditures will affect business in our area
    4. Pursuing policy that promotes the economic competitiveness of Lethbridge and the region is an effective way to ensure sustained prosperity
      • This can be accomplished by following best-practices and carefully benchmarking in order to ensure a competitive position
      • Focus on policies that facilitate developing enterprise and creating conditions to attract, develop and expand the business base
      • Ensure that government adhere to transparent and ethical standards of decision making
      • Ensure elevated stewardship and the incorporation of best practices in relation to the environment. Continue to promote and integrate local comparative advantages (i.e. renewable energy) to leverage investment attraction and create a foundation for future opportunities
    5. Fiscal responsibility and transparency should be a core component of all government decision making
      • Careful oversight and management in this context is imperative to ensuring sustained prosperity
    6. Regional collaboration should be a significant focus in government decision making as it leads to infrastructure efficiency and enhanced marketing potential
      • A region can attain enhanced outcomes in an efficient manner by pooling resources and working together to identify infrastructure priorities and targeted investments
      • Working together makes more sense from a marketing perspective as well
  • What We Advocate For

    The Lethbridge Chamber strives to be thoughtful and strategic in our advocacy efforts. We recognize that there are a myriad of issues affecting business every day and look to help address those issues in whatever ways our reach and resources allow. In doing so, however, we also work to maximize the impact that our advocacy efforts can have.

    Issues that provide maximum impact for business and our community with the least complicated execution and broadest likely support are top priority for our organization, while issues with minimal impact for business and community which are also complicated to implement or unlikely to have broad support may be the least likely to receive advocacy efforts.

  • Top Priorities


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  • Provincial

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  • Federal

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  • Additional Initiatives

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  • Where and How Do We Advocate?

    The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce advocates to all three levels of government in different ways. This includes meeting regularly with local elected officials and administration; local Members of the Legislative Assembly, provincial Ministers, deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers; and local and regional Members of Parliament. When possible, the Lethbridge Chamber will meet with Federal Ministers. 

    The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce also has a strong voice at the provincial and federal levels through the Alberta Chambers of Commerce and Canadian Chamber of Commerce. These counterparts in Edmonton and Ottawa work full time to advocate directly to the provincial and federal governments respectively.

    The Lethbridge Chamber is an active member of the ACC policy committee, ensuring that the voice of Lethbridge business is heard provincially, and we participate loudly at the annual ACC and CCC policy debates and planning sessions.


    The Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce is a non-partisan organization. We work to form relationships with elected officials and administrative staff at all levels of government, and represent our members interests, regardless of political affiliation. The Lethbridge Chamber supports strong, fact-based policy which makes Lethbridge the best place to live, work and do business. When policy meets these criteria, we believe that it rises beyond party affiliation or allegiance to a specific elected government.

  • Relationship Building

    Relationships are vital to our advocacy work.

    The Lethbridge Chamber works to form relationships locally, provincially and federally both through formal meetings and informal network building opportunities.

    We participate weekly in interchamber meetings through the Alberta Chambers of Commerce, forming strong relationships with our counterparts throughout the province by discussing issues, sharing ideas and helping one another.